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Newman::Controller provides a context for application callbacks to run in, and provides most of the core functionality for preparing a response email.

For a full example of Newman::Controller in action, be sure to check out Jester.

Newman::Controller is part of Newman’s external interface.

module Newman
  class Controller


A Newman::Controller object is initialized with parameters that match what is provided by the low level Newman::Server object. Generally speaking, you won’t instantiate controller objects yourself, but instead will rely on Newman::Application to instantiate them for you.

    def initialize(params)
      self.settings = params.fetch(:settings)
      self.request  = params.fetch(:request)
      self.response = params.fetch(:response)
      self.logger   = params.fetch(:logger)

All of the fields on Newman::Controller are public, so that they can freely be manipulated by callbacks. We may lock this down a bit more in a future version of Newman once we figure out what data actually needs to be exposed in callbacks, but for now you can feel free to depend on any of these fields.

    attr_accessor :settings, :request, :response, :logger, :params


Newman::Controller#respond is used to modify the response email object, and is used in the manner shown below:

respond :subject => “Hello There”, 
        :body    => “It’s nice to meet you, pal!”

Because this method simply provides syntactic sugar on top of the Mail::Message object’s interface, you should be sure to take a look at the documentation for the mail gem to discover what options are available.

    def respond(params)
      params.each { |k,v| response.send("#{k}=", v) }


Newman::Controller#template is used to invoke a template file within the context of the current controller object using Tilt. A name for the template is provided and then looked up in the directory referenced by settings.service.templates_dir. If a locals hash is provided, these local variables will be made available in templates.

NOTE: This is feature is one we haven’t adequately used in Newman, if you have trouble with it, please let us know via our issue tracker.

    def template(name,locals={})

Newman::Controller#skip_response is used for disabling the delivery of the response email. Use this for situations where no response is required, such as when a spam email or a bounce has been detected, or if you are building an application which simply passively monitors incoming email rather than replying to it.

    def skip_response
      response.perform_deliveries = false


Newman::Controller#forward_message works in a similar fashion to Newman::Controller#response, but copies the request FROM, SUBJECT and BODY fields and sets the REPLY TO field to be equal to settings.service.default_sender. This feature is convenient for implementing mailing-list style functionality, such as in the following example:

if list.subscriber?(sender)
  forward_message :bcc => list.subscribers.join(“, ”)
  respond :subject => “You are not subscribed”,
          :body    => template(“non-subscriber-error”)
    def forward_message(params={})
      response.from      = request.from
      response.reply_to  = settings.service.default_sender 
      response.subject   = request.subject

      params.each do |k,v|
        response.send("#{k}=", v)

      if request.multipart?
        response.text_part = request.text_part
        response.html_part = request.html_part
        response.body = request.body.to_s


Newman::Controller#sender is used as a convenient shortcut for retrieving the sender’s email address from the request object.

    def sender


Newman::Controller#domain is used as a convenient shortcut for referencing settings.service.domain.

    def domain
