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Newman::Server takes incoming mesages from a mailer object and passes them to applications as a request, and then delivers a response email after the applications have modified it.

A Newman::Server object can be used in four distinct ways:

1) Instantiated via Newman::Server.test_mode and then run tick by tick in integration tests.

2) Instantiated via Newman::Server.simple which immediately executes an infinite polling loop.

3) Instantiated via Newman::Server.simple!, and then run manually (either in a loop or by tick), using the same defaults used by Newman::Server.simple

4) Instantiated explicitly and manually configured, for maximum control.

All of these different workflows are supported, but if you are simply looking to build applications with Newman, you are most likely going to end up using either simple() or simple!() because they care of most of the setup work for you.

Newman::Server is part of Newman’s external interface.

module Newman  
  class Server


Newman::Server.simple! automatically generates a Newman::Mailer object and Newman::Settings object from the provided settings_file. These objects are then passed on to Newman::Server.new and a server instance is created.

The following example demonstrates how to use this method:

ping_pong = Newman::Application.new do
  subject(:match, “ping”) do
    respond(:subject => “pong”)

  default do
    respond(:subject => “You missed the ball!”)

s = Newman::Server.simple!(ping_pong, “config/environment.rb”)
# call s.tick or s.run at some later point.

Given a proper configuration file, this will make it possible to easily get your applications up and running with simple request and response logging enabled.

    def self.simple!(app, settings_file)
      settings     = Settings.from_file(settings_file)
      mailer       = Mailer.new(settings)
      server       = new(settings, mailer)
      server.apps  = [RequestLogger, app, ResponseLogger]



Newman::Server#simple is the same as Newman::Server#simple!, but automatically starts an infinite polling loop.

    def self.simple(app, settings_file)
      server = simple!(app, settings_file)


Newman::Server.test_mode automatically generates a Newman::TestMailer object and Newman::Settings object from the provided settings_file. These objects are then passed on to Newman::Server.new and a server instance which is preconfigured for use in integration testing is returned.

Using the application from the Newman::Server.simple! documentation above, it’d be possible to write a simple integration test using this method in the following way:

server = Newman::Server.test_mode(“config/environment.rb”)
server.apps << ping_pong

mailer = server.mailer
mailer.deliver_message(:to      => “test@test.com”,
                       :subject => “ping)



It’s worth mentioning that although Newman::Server.test_mode is part of Newman’s external interface, the Newman::TestMailer object is considered part of its internals. This is due to some ugly issues with global state and the overall brittleness of the current implementation. Expect a bit of weirdness if you plan to use this feature, at least until we improve upon it.

    def self.test_mode(settings_file)
      settings = Settings.from_file(settings_file)
      mailer   = TestMailer.new(settings)

      new(settings, mailer)


To initialize a Newman::Server object, a settings object and mailer object must be provided.

Instantiating a server object directly can be useful for building live integration tests, or for building cron jobs which process email periodically rather than in a busy-wait loop. See one of Newman’s live tests for an example of how this approach works.

    def initialize(settings, mailer)
      self.settings = settings
      self.mailer   = mailer
      self.apps     = []


These accessors are mostly meant for use with server objects under test mode, or server objects that have been explicitly instantiated. If you are using Newman::Server.simple to run your apps, it’s safe to treat these as an implementation detail; all important data will get passed down into your apps on each tick.

    attr_accessor :settings, :mailer, :apps
    attr_writer   :logger

Returns the logger object that was set via Newman::Server#logger=, or delegates to default_logger if no custom logger was provided.

    def logger
      @logger || default_logger

Newman::Server.run kicks off a busy wait loop, alternating between calling Newman::Server.tick and sleeping for the amount of time specified by settings.service.polling_interval. We originally planned to use an EventMachine periodic timer here to potentially make running several servers within a single process easier, but had trouble coming up with a use case that made the extra dependency worth it.

    def run
      loop do
        sleep settings.service.polling_interval


Newman::Server.tick runs the following sequence for each incoming request.

1) A response is generated with the TO field set to the FROM field of the request, and the FROM field set to settings.service.default_sender. Applications can change these values later, but these are sensible defaults that work for most common needs.

2) The list of apps is iterated over sequentially, and each application’s call method is invoked with a parameters hash which include the request email, the response email, the settings object being used by the server, and the logger object being used by the server.

2a) If any application raises an exception, that exception is caught and the processing of the current request is halted. Details about the failure are logged and if settings.service.raise_exceptions is enabled, the exception is re-raised, typically taking the server down with it. This setting is off by default.

2b) If there are any server errors (such as an error retrieving messages via IMAP), those errors are logged and re-raised, taking the server down. Currently, you should use a process watcher to restart Newman to protect against such failures, but be careful about restarting without knowing what went wrong!

3) Assuming an exception is not encountered, the response is delivered.

    def tick         
      mailer.messages.each do |request|        
        response = mailer.new_message(:to   => request.from, 
                                      :from => settings.service.default_sender)
          apps.each do |app|
            app.call(:request  => request, 
                     :response => response, 
                     :settings => settings,
                     :logger   => logger)
        rescue StandardError => e
          logger.info("FAIL") { e.to_s }
          logger.debug("FAIL") { "#{e.inspect}\n"+e.backtrace.join("\n  ") }

          if settings.service.raise_exceptions

    rescue Exception => e
      logger.fatal("Caught exception: #{e}\n\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")

NOTE: Methods below this point in the file are implementation details, and should not be depended upon



Newman::Server#default_logger generates a logger object using Ruby’s standard library. This object outputs to STDERR, and runs at info level by default, but will run at debug level if either settings.service.debug_mode or the Ruby $DEBUG variable is set.

    def default_logger
      self.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)

      if settings.service.debug_mode || $DEBUG
        logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
        logger.level = Logger::INFO
